Low-carbon mobility events live from #COP23 in Bonn

Low carbon mobility, clean cities and safe living is going be discussed at great length and in-depth in Bonn during COP23. The Climate Change Conference is in town and I, personally, am involved with a rather large organisation that has a lot to say about cargobikes. They have a lot to say about city planning, and public transport and electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles too. They are the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport. SLoCaT.

My company, HiBlue, is extremely, extremely happy to be supporting SLoCaT with event technology for a series of 8 events that bring together global experts in the field for a daily talk show in the Post Tower in Bonn.  SloCaT is part of the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC) along with Michelin Challenge Bibendum (MCB) which with over 150 organisations as partners is obviously a huge body of thought on the subject. PPMC are working on carbon usage reduction in transportation but the discussion for SloCaT goes way beyond this. What good is a low-carbon traffic jam, or low-carbon traffic deaths?

Here’s what you need to do to get notifications of the livestreams that will be broadcast over the next two weeks.

Click here for the latest from the #WeAreTransport postings on Twitter. [No subscription required] You might see me, @chippy, so if you’re on Twitter, follow me too along with @SLOCATCornie.

We start on the 7th November at 1815 and if you’re on Facebook you’ll find the first event here.

SLoCaT live at COP23

The HiBlue website will also have the events here:

SLoCaT live stream from COP23

Low-carbon transport events from COP23 Bonn, overview from PPMC


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By Steve Chippy Paine

Steve, Chippy, SteveChippy and V4_Chippy are all aliases for Stephen Paine. Steve has been working on internet and web projects since the 80's and, for the last five years has focused on digital marketing. Meetmobility is a site for a hobby that combines travel on two-wheels, camping and productive technology. You'll might also be interested in the accompanying YouTube channel. Find Steve on Instagram (v4_chippy) and Twitter (chippy) Other sites include UMPCPortal where he writes purely about mobile technology.

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